Effecting Turnaround Through Strategics Approach

By Jayne Rutledge

The ability of an organization or company to change depending on prevailing circumstances determines its long term success. Strategics is one of the approaches required at particular moments in the life of any business entity. It gives room for a new approach in production and service delivery that is guided by efficiency. New ideas must be implemented in a way that will change the fortunes and projections of the entity.

Strategic management is required in different departments or areas of operation. These areas include communication, human resource, leadership and technology. It is aimed at bringing fresh ideas and thus changing the direction or operation mode for the firm. To achieve the best results, it is advisable to include new team members who will come with fresh ideas. They are not engrossed in the routine of doing things and are therefore armed with new ideas that will bring change.

The best way to guarantee delivery of value is through a project management approach. This requires laying down of short, medium and long term goals with measurable targets. The short term goals act as indicators of change or tests on whether the strategy being implemented will bear fruits. For change to happen, it is important to target the core functions of an organization. This will ensure that change affects all channels of delivery.

Any crisis presents a perfect opportunity for organizations to show their strength to partners and clients. There is need reduce damage and ensure that your corporate image is not damaged. An organization must give an impression of being in-charge since all attention is focused on how the situation is handled. This moment is defining because of the lasting impression it creates in the minds of your clients. You are likely to hold onto most of them or lose them all together depending on how you handle them.

Technological changes require a strategic approach to ensure effective service delivery. An evaluation of the needs in each delivery channel and the returns upon adoption of technology is required. Technology is implemented in phases with cost benefit analysis as the driving force. A detailed report indicating required software, hardware and connectivity needs for such a situation guides the process.

Strategic communication is important for any organization. It targets internal and external channels of communication. The aim is to ensure that information reaches the right people at the right time. Communication protocols are established with a defined structure on the flow of information. There are clearance levels of access to information to ensure that only authorized persons are privy to company secrets.

Human resource is a crucial part of any turnaround. It should be audited to establish its effectiveness, capacity and ability to help the firm achieve its future aspirations. The areas to focus on include availability of vital skills that are needed for future operations. This will lead to scaling down of workforce and recruitment of new people or retraining the old ones. Such a move will give a workforce that is prepared for the new future.

The aim of strategics approach is to put in place necessary measures that will guarantee a profitable future. It makes the organization or company responsive to changing operation environment. You are ready to respond to the demands of your clients in future. This requires adoption of the latest technology and delivery models.

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