The Most Common Environmentally Safe Dust Abatement Products Used

By Marcie Goodman

Dust abatement products have been developed because people have realized that the dust from roads and driveways can be a problem. As a road or other surface becomes older, and has suffered some wear and tear, it becomes even more problematic, as the gravel has been worn down into finer particles. When there is no rain, roads will produce even more dust. The control of this dust is necessary for several reasons.

There are a number of reasons why dust should be controlled. It can cause environmental hazards, and when dust is thrown up by vehicles the visibility on the road becomes poor. It is also not healthy for someone to breathe in a lot of dust particles. Wind can cause dust to blow far, and it will settle on people's cars and in people's homes.

The best way to treat gravel surfaces is with an environmentally friendly product, such as Dustlock, Ecobinder, Molex, Earthbind or Enviroseal Dust Control. These are some of the examples of 'green' substances that are used on roads. It will defeat the purpose if a non-green product is used in order to prevent dust from becoming an environmental danger.

Lignum is a wood byproduct from which the product Ecobinder is made. The byproduct is not harmful to persons or animals in any way, and is efficiently capable of stopping dust particles from becoming airborne, because it is like a glue. It is also capable of improving the road's quality because it can absorb liquids. Molex is another safe product, and is developed from beet molasses.

Sometimes substances used to dampen dust are oil-based. Environmentally friendly varieties use vegetable oils or soybean oil, and these include the Enviroseal Dust Control product and Dustlock. Both are good for their purpose of trapping dust. The Enviroseal product lasts for a long time, and is not made ineffective by cold weather conditions.

You might be wondering what you can do about the dust problems that your dirt driveway is causing. The commonly used product for home usage is calcium chloride. Calcium chloride is effective for controlling dust, and is know to be safe for the environment too, as it is a common salt. It is wise to always use the product as directed, but in general it is harmless and will also not damage cars that are parked or driven over it.

If you have bought calcium chloride for your driveway, it is helpful to first wet the surface or to wait until rain has fallen. The dampness will help the substance to penetrate. Always read the manufacturer's instructions that indicate the recommended rate of application. Calcium chloride can be in a liquid or powder form.

You can buy calcium chloride at a reasonable price, and it is one of the most effective dust abatement products available. It won't prevent maintenance of the surface, but remember that it is a corrosive substance. Mud that contains a lot of calcium chloride could be corrosive. Always examine all the advantages and disadvantages of the substances you use.

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