Small Business Voip Phone Systems Are The Future

Intlead Reply 9:33 AM
By Jaclyn Hurley

Because Internet telephony is not yet as widespread as cell phones, for example, it is less well known among people and in particular mobile operators, which compete with it by spreading myths and untruths with relish. The technology behind small business VOIP phone systems carries many advantages and has been accused of many things, which are not true, at best. This does not change the fact that phone calls over the Internet are much cheaper than any other telephony technologies in Vancouver, BC are.

The reason for the lower price is quite simple. Mobile operators had to build their expensive and expansive networks (laying wires, building transmission stations, etc.). Meanwhile, the VOIP operator uses an already existing network, called (you guessed it) "the Internet". Their costs are so much lower and therefore their prices are far cheaper.

Of course, no technology is foolproof, but with Internet telephony, the answer is simple: its reliability depends on the reliability of your Internet connection. If the quality is good (which today, with the vast majority of standard connections being ADSL or cable TV lines), outages are very rare and, moreover, usually only very short (seconds or fractions of seconds). Only in the case of obscure and low-quality Internet connections, will can be met with less reliability.

An unreliable VOIP connection is usually achieved when you are using a mobile operator's Internet, or are "on the border of network coverage". A corollary is that Internet calling itself is very reliable and trouble-free. That holds true, as long as your Internet connection is not inferior.

To use VoIP services, it is not necessary to have a land-line or mobile phone, all you need is only a sufficiently fast connection to the Internet. This may be via an already fixed line - ADSL, mobile network - GSM, wired, Wi-Fi, or others. In recent times, even phone calls via landlines are no longer implemented via analog data transfer, so they are technically Voice Over IP as well.

The technology is a digital service and therefore goes about converting analog signals to digital on the side of one party and the opposite conversion from digital to analogue telephony with the other party. This transfer is done via codecs. They are clearly predefined and approved procedures on how to convert analog audio to digital.

They myth about the bad quality of VOIP is also a favorite malicious lie from other, non- Internet based operators. The quality of the phone call, to the greatest extent, depends on two factors. They are the codec used and the throughput or availability of the line. The truth is that the operators use significantly, up to several times, faster codecs than mobile operators.

These codecs used by Voice Over IP provides have significantly less compression and thus the distortion of the call is minimized. The tinny sound familiar from mobile calls to you is non- existent with phone calls over the Internet! When one calls over the Internet, there is also far less risk of overcrowding the lines, something you will have experienced on a cellphone over the festive season.

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