Ways To Manage Your Above Ground Storage Tank

By Essie Osborn

In order to keep yourself safe from any hazard, you should at all times be cautious of your activities and responsibilities. Sometimes, it is the neglect of responsibility that causes accidents more than incidental occurrences. With this, people should be reminded to take action in order to keep away from unlikely happenings.

Anything can cause harm to people if proper procedures are not well observed. That is because there are many uncontrollable factors that happen along the way. Take for example your water storage, if rightful procedures are not conducted, there is a way for all harm causing possibilities to happen such as contamination. In this way, you should consider using above ground storage tank.

This is one way of keeping yourself away from harm since water has a big role in keeping you alive. Likewise, it is also capable of causing your death since your tank contains elements that could impose serious threats to your health. These are the compounds like oil, petroleum, fuel, and many other chemicals that are capable of causing harm.

A single drop of these compounds may contaminate the entire volume of water in your reservoir. Residues from leaks and holes in your piping, and spills from your containment berms, may also contaminate the goods in both land and water due to erosion and other factors brought about by environmental action. Add to that the human operational errors.

With this, you have the responsibility to manage your tank effectively. This will come with your compliance with the rules and regulations set by the bureau that is in charge of the AST. There are several things that you should faithfully observe in order to avoid the dilemma that it might cause if you do not follow the protocol.

It is stated in the AST requirements that standard filling procedure be followed in order to avoid contamination and spills. With this, you should have a secondary berm to catch any overflow or leakage. This will be able to avoid any contamination to the soil and detect any leak easily if there is any.

But aside from relying on these protective berms, you should still conduct a routinely monitoring. This will help you see anything to fix before it happens. A manually operated pump should also be installed so that there will be a container for the residue coming from the rain. Appropriate consideration of its capacity to hold a large volume of residue when it rains hard should also be observed.

However, those things are not enough to ensure safety. Most of all, the installation should be carefully considered like the location, susceptibility to weather conditions, as well as drainage patterns. Make sure that there are no nearby sources that could contaminate it and most of all, the cleaning should be done regularly.

To further ensure safety, you could coat the floors and containment area with a petroleum resistant coating and inspect contained water in the berms and sump pump for any chemical elements. Periodic maintenance is most required to instantly know if there is anything wrong. Furthermore, adherence to the protocols of AST is a must.

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