Why Install Photoluminescent Exit Signs In Commercial Buildings

By Essie Osborn

The conventional signage for exits require the use of light source in order to operate, however, if that source is disrupted as may occur in times of fires and other disasters, it renders the markings useless. However, with the new technology of photoluminescent exit signs, you can get very reliable markings which allow people to evacuate safety when emergencies strike. Safety is of major concern when it comes to emergencies.

Premises owners need to ensure that they have markings and exit signs that can work effectively and cost efficiently when disasters strike. One reason why people panic in times of emergencies is when they cannot see the routes exiting from a building. Left high and dry, people try to stumble upon the rooms, stairways, and corridors as they find ways to get out of the premises.

Having reliable emergency markers can help occupants in buildings escape pretty fast during disasters. This can help save lives as well as allow the evacuation team to carry out their activities smoothly. The markers installed in buildings ought to be effectively and cost saving. Many of the traditional markings use external sources of light in order to function.

In the event that there is no electricity and the backup generator does not function, it becomes a problem. Those signage products are rendered non functional. However, using the photoluminescent products can eliminate such problems. These products do not rely on source of light to work. They absorb the ambient lighting from the surroundings whether from bulbs or the natural light and store it in form of energy.

Since the conventional signs have to be provided with energy source throughout, it means that a lot of energy is needed. If that cost is calculated in the long run, it amounts to many dollars that can be saved. While the safety of people should always be emphasized at whichever cost, businesses also need to save money.

What this means is that once they have absorbed the light, they continue to function when there is darkness. People trapped in a building can be able to see the exit routes and get out the danger zone as fast as they can. It reduces the panic which people exhibit when emergencies occur.

The installation of the self illuminated signage needs to be handled by qualified and experienced technicians. They have to be placed in the right locations so that they are easily visible in complete darkness. While they can work in darkness, if they are not installed properly, their visibility may still be impaired.

People escape in different body postures when disasters strike and you will find that many try to crawl on their knees while others run bending forward. This means that if the signage products are installed on higher surfaces, they may not be quite seen properly. In New York City, commercial buildings that are over 75 feet tall need to be fitted with photoluminescents signage for emergence purposes in times of disasters.

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